Closing is not the most Important Skill

I’ll say it again closing is not the most important sales skill to develop. What good is someone who can close but who can’t prospect? What good is a closing skill if there is nothing in your pipeline to close? If I set you up with 5 appointments next week and all of them had a compelling reason to buy. They all had enough money to fix the problem and they were decision makers and they had agreed to make a buying decision based on what you had to tell them, how many could you close? The answer most groups give me is that they could close all 5, or they could at least close 4 of them. I get that answer even from novices who don’t know how to close for an order. What this thought experiment proves that anyone can close if the prospect is set up properly. It turns out that prospecting, qualifying and discussing money are far more important skills to have than the ability to close. If you have to start somewhere, work on those top of the pipeline skills first and closing will take care of itself.

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