Respond Don’t React

Seal with hoopReacting to tough questions gets you into trouble. Responding leads you out of trouble. Associate the word “defensiveness” with “reacting” and “professionalism” with “responding”. Let’s say a client questions your price. If you “react”, you will offer excuses, trying to explain to the prospect why you set the prices as you did. You are fumbling to regain your footing, having been knocked down by their question. If you “respond”, you see the question about price as an opportunity to learn more from the prospect and generate sales. You can ask them questions about their pricing expectations, their budget, the features and benefits they are looking for, and the pain they are experiencing. The optimal salesperson learns to leave their emotion and defensiveness outside the door and enter a meeting with a prospect understanding that each and every objection is actually an opportunity in disguise to close sales and increase business.

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