Why Information is not enough

Joe Friday Just wanted the facts … the information … unadorned. Salespeople need more than information. Just knowing what the prospect wants is not enough. You need to know why they need it. What happens if they don’t get it? What is the context behind the need? Is there a compelling reason to have it? Is there a cost monetary or otherwise to not having it? How is their life affected by not having it? Who else thinks we need it? Who else is affected by not having it? How is the operation affected by not having it? How did we get along without it up to now? Are there alternatives they have considered and rejected? Why did they reject them? Anyway, you get the idea. If you were the salesperson who only knew what the prospect needed, don’t you think you would be at a disadvantage to the competitor who had the answers in great detail to all of the above questions? Don’t be that salesperson!

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