You don’t need fancy sales techniques

What’s the best way to ask a question? What phraseology is most likely to get you an answer to the question? What technique should I use to ask the money question? These are all fodder for sales training classes. Trainers spend hours devising new ways to ask simple questions and overcome salespeople’s resistance to asking the question. The fact is that there is no one right way to ask. So just ask. The resistance you feel to asking is based on your belief systems. The best way is to ask the question on your mind in the context of the conversation you are having and ask it using your words. The trainers words will probably not fit, the words you get from a book will probably not fit. Every situation is different and every prospect is different … even in the same company selling the same product. So if you need to know or are just curious or are trying to get to a deeper level … just ask.

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