Your foot is not enough…

Get more than your foot in the door. If you try to break in to a new account by lowering your price, you will be stuck at a low and possibly unprofitable price point. And what is worse, you will be vulnerable to the next company that pulls the same strategy and beats your price. You will find it most difficult to change your image form the “low price people” to the “quality work” people. I am not against a small concession here and there when it is necessary to     reduce the risk to the client for working with someone new. But, it should only be done when absolutely necessary and only with the understanding that once the prospect is comfortable normal terms and conditions will apply. Call at the right level, find a niche you can fill or a problem only you can solve and get your whole body in the door … not just your foot. You might check out the 17 questions that only top salespeople have the guts to ask I am offering over to the right of this article. They can help with differentiating you and getting your whole body in the door.

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